
Who's Who in 2016: Exploring the Exciting BioPharma Venture Ride

April 26, 2016

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Time:  8:00AM - 10:00AM
Location:  Lobby

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2015 was a wild ride; what can we expect in 2016?

This presentation will explore the current state of the BioPharma venture world and include the following topics: 

    • What does it take to go IPO and when are acquirers engaging in M&A? 
    • Explore current equity financings vs. the last three years 
    • Analysis of which venture firms are most active 
    • The crossover phenomenon and what does it mean for your company? 
         - Which crossovers are investing and at which stage 
         - Step-up in private equity rounds 
         - IPO pre-money valuation and IPO success 
    • Exits: the trend to early stage M&A in Biopharma, and explore time to exit, up front and all-in values, and multiples on capital invested by indication. 
    • IPOs:
         - Types of IPOs completed since 2013 and changes in 2015 
         - Average dollars raised and pre money by indication

At the end of this talk you should be informed as to who is investing in BioPharma and comps for M&A and IPO in your indication. 

8:00am | Registration, Networking and Breakfast
8:30am | Presentation and Q&A 
9:30am | Networking 
10:00am | Close