
Unleash Your Brilliance 2015 Tour

September 14, 2015

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Time:  1:00PM - 6:00PM
Location: Lobby

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User Meeting and New Product Launch Event for the ImageXpress Micro Confocal High Content System

Join us as we unveil our latest innovations in high content screening and 3D imaging and microplate reader detection and learn how your peers are advancing their research with the ImageXpress High Content Imaging System.

  • See data and images from the NEW ImageXpress Micro Confocal including  a comparison of confocal images and timing studies 
  • Learn what confocal capabilities can do for your research
  • Hear fellow users present both widefield and confocal data
  • Ask your questions at the Roundtable Q&A Session with your Field Application Scientists
  • Drinks and appetizers and/or lunch will be served