
Art Reception: Sci-Art Exhibit

April 16, 2018

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Location: Cafe
Time: 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM

"Science is more than chemical reactions and microscopy", Cambridge Science Festival

The Cambridge Science Festival, the first of its kind in the United States, is a celebration showcasing the leading edge in science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM).  A multifaceted, multicultural event, the Festival makes science accessible, interactive and fun, highlighting the impact of STEAM in all our lives.

Based out of the MIT Museum, it is a tiny team organizing a 10-day, 200+ event festival with a robust group of some of the most intelligent scientists, generous sponsors, creative non-profits, dedicated volunteers, and curious university students in the world!

It launched in 2007 with the support of MIT, Harvard, the City of Cambridge, WGBH and the Museum of Science, Boston and attracted an estimated 15,000 visitors.  Now, 12 years later, it attracts more than 100,000 visitors annually, host events in more than 70 different venues from Cape Cod to Central Massachusetts, and work with more than 100 collaborators.

Modeled on art, music, and movie festivals, the Cambridge Science Festival offers activities, demonstrations, workshops, tours, debates, contests, talks, and behind-the-scene glimpses to illuminate the richness of scientific inquiry and the excitement of discovery.

The Festival’s collaborators reach out to the general public including adults, k12 & college students, families, the science community, and under-served audiences to excite and ignite curiosity.

This year, LabCentral and the Cambridge Science Festival have joined forces to explore the artistic side of science! Organized by Tufts Postdoctoral Association, this exhibit features science-influenced artwork from local artists and scientists.