
Mispro 9 23 14

Mispro Animal Facility Services Seminar

September 23, 2014

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Time: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Location: LabCentral


Mispro Biotech Services presents a classroom session covering key information for all residents interested in using the LabCentral Mispro Animal Facility.

  • Services and offerings provided
  • Staff onsite and contact information
  • Basic policies and procedures required for operation
  • Mispro accreditation and how it may affect your operation
  • Examination of the IACUC process, the Mispro protocol review, and how to complete the Animal Use Protocol Form to minimize time required & get started more quickly.

  Presented by:  Damian Bohler, Corporate Operations Manager
                             Yohan Tessier, Director of Business Development & Partnering