
JLABS | Meet with... Angel Investors

February 25, 2016

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Time:  10:30AM-1:00PM
Location: Lobby

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Looking for an angel? ...Confused about the process? ...Overwhelmed by the diversity of angel investors? You're not alone. JLABS is bringing together a cohort of angel investors to speak with the early-stage life sciences community to help you get ahead when it comes to angel money. 

Angel investors will be presenting on Thursday, February 25. They will offer insights, lessons learned, and best practices for seeking angel money. You'll also learn about the differences between these networks, as well as the key differences between angel investing and traditional venture funding. 

For those companies who apply online and receive advance approval, one-on-one meetings with angel investors will provide a private forum to discuss your company. 

10:30am | Registration Opens and Networking 
11:00am | Presentations 
12:00pm | Panel Discussion
12:30pm | Networking Lunch 
1:00-4:00pm | One-on-one Meetings* 

*Companies must have applied for a one-on-one meeting ahead of time and be approved. The application period ends on February 9th.