
Guppy Tank

Guppy Tank: Episode 7

May 16, 2017

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Time: 4:00PM - 6:00PM
Location: Lobby

The partnership between Harvard University's Office of Technology Development and LabCentral is back with new ideas and innovative teams to discover! Listen to pitches, hear constructive feedback from the experts regarding application priorities and commercialization models, and develop your own questions for the teams. You simply can't ignore the lure of the Guppy Tank!

Innovation Team 1:
Neurox - Functional enhancers of neuronal connectivity
Rock Liao and Mike Greenberg | Harvard Medical School

Small molecules that act as synaptic growth enhancers and correct brain-specific gene misregulation have been identified via a highly optimized phenotypic screening platform. The compounds, validated so far in models of Alzheimer’s disease and traumatic brain injury, may be used to treat a broader range of neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disease indications. The team will describe the screening strategy and results, and will be seeking advice regarding potential preclinical and clinical development strategies.

Innovation Team 2:
Carica Health - Take charge of neuroinflammation!
David Robertson, Bruce Levy, Clifford Woolf and Bruce Bean |Harvard Medical School, Boston Children's Hospital and Brigham & Women's Hospital

CariCations are charged versions of clinically used sodium channel blockers that are designed to be used topically to selectively silence cough, pain, itch and - thanks to their prolonged effect - also a multitude of inflammatory conditions. The team will share in vivo efficacy data of its proprietary compounds and look for input regarding target indications and clinical and commercial strategies.