
Life Science Wizards Speaker Series

July 10, 2014

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Foley & Lardner

Time: 5:30PM 
Location: LabCentral Lobby


Foley & Lardner LLP and LabCentral invite you to attend the second event in our Life Science Wizards Speaker Series at LabCentral. This is a unique opportunity to network with colleagues, while getting a chance to hear from some of the most distinguished trailblazers in the Boston life sciences community.

Join the conversation with former Genzyme CEO, entrepreneur and angel investor, Henri Termeer, as he discusses the challenges and successes he experienced while building one of the great biotech start-ups of this generation and explains his current activities and strategies as an angel investor in life science companies. The discussion, moderated by Foley’s Gabor Garai, will include Termeer's take on the current venture and angel financing environment and what it takes to be an entrepreneur in the life sciences sector.

Future Speakers
Please keep an eye out for invitations to these future Life Science Wizards Speaker Series programs:

  • Robert Langer, Koch Institute Professor, MIT; inventor; entrepreneur

Gabor Garai and Adria Warren are the Foley attorneys responsible for this program.