
COVID-19 Updates: Preventing the Spread and Managing the “Re-Opening”

May 12, 2020

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We are going to see a ramp up of activity across the country and in Massachusetts over the next several weeks; we know this is coming, and we expect other businesses to adapt and adopt many of the same policies we have already enacted at LabCentral.

In many ways, because we had to adapt our daily routines to the emerging understanding of the viral spread and risk, LabCentral is somewhat ahead of the curve in terms of preparing for the new normal. Over the past couple of months, we have grown accustomed to interacting with one another at a safe distance, being mindful of the surfaces we touch and the spaces we occupy, and now are growing used to wearing facial coverings and masks at LabCentral as well as in our everyday lives. 

Through the policies and procedures we have already enacted, we believe we can operate the labs safely and bring scientists back at “near-normal” capacity, but only with the active participation and support of our residents. We are constantly monitoring the latest scientific guidance on how to best protect our community and will continue to do so in the coming weeks.

In the absence of widespread testing, we have to behave as if each of us could be a potential asymptomatic carrier of the virus and follow guidance to keep others around us safe. Strict adherence to the distancing and mask policies will reduce the risk for viral spread and help keep LabCentral’s community healthy.

Continue to Prevent the Spread

Below you’ll find a summary of what to do while at LabCentral to prevent the spread of the virus:

Virtual Event on “Re-Opening” 

Join us today at 1:30 ET for the next episode of our “Innovation and Biotech in the Time of COVID-19” series that will focus on strategies and approaches to “re-opening.” What does a return to work look like? What changes are other co-working spaces and biotech businesses adopting to provide a safe environment in times of COVID-19?  

Our panelists for this event include:


Tim Rowe, Founder and CEO of Cambridge Innovation Center
Bernat Olle, Co-Founder and CEO of Vedanta Biosciences
Katie Rae, CEO and Managing Partner of The Engine

If you are unable to make the live event, it will be recorded so anyone can watch at their convenience later.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Home!